LMFTA Designation FAQs:
Do I need to pass an exam for obtain LMFTA status?
No, unlike LPCs and LCSWs, MFTs do not need to pass an exam for the Associate License. You WILL need to pass an exam for your full LMFT status.
Can I practice in private practice on my own with an LMFTA?
Technically, anyone can practice in private practice on their own but in order to bill for insurance you must have a full LMFT. Additionally, if you decide to practice in private practice, you will need to coordinate with your contracted supervisor for approval of clinical hours for licensure.
Do I need to have an approved supervisor to sign off for my supervision?
No, for the LMFTA status, you only need to find an LMFT to be your contracted supervisor. You may choose to seek out supervision with an AAMFT Approved Supervision, but it is not required.
Where can I find a list of LMFTs that are available for supervision?
You can find a list of AAMFT Approved Supervisor on https://www.aamft.org/Supervision/Search/Find_a_Supervisor.aspx. Also, please feel free to contact us for recommendations for LMFTS in your area that may be available. Additionally, if you ARE and LMFT and are interested in being added to our available supervisor list, please send us your contact information, location, and current rate for supervision.
How do I apply for the LMFTA status?
You can find all of the information for how to apply on DPH’s website - https://portal.ct.gov/DPH/Practitioner-Licensing--Investigations/MFT/Marital-and-Family-Therapy-Associate
How long does the LMFTA license last?
Your LMFTA license is good for one year, at which point you will need to renew. All CT licenses are renewed during your birth month and you will receive a notification from DPH when it is time for you to renew your license. Please note the associate license requires the same CE requirements as the LMFT.