Membership Benefits and Information
The Connecticut Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (CTAMFT) is a division of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). To join CTAMFT, please find us through the ENGAGE tab on AAMFT’s website. From there, choose “Geographic Engagement Programs” and select the “Join Now” button underneath “Connecticut”.
CTAMFT membership is $50 for licensed providers and $10 for students.
Click here to join now!
Benefits of Membership:
There are many wonderful reasons to join CTAMFT today! Here are just a few:
Connect with your community of professional colleagues.
- CTAMFT provides many opportunities to network with other MFTs: through our listserv, conferences, newsletters, and more. Join us and connect with your peers for professional support, networking opportunities, building your referral base, discussing emerging issues, and more.
Complete your CEs.
- CTAMFT provides several CE opportunities throughout the year. Our members enjoy significant discounts or even free admission to events. Each year we strive to provide at least one opportunity to meet the crucial needs of CEs including: ethics, cultural competency, and veterans.
Find new employment opportunities and referral sources.
- CTAMFT lists new employment positions, practice opportunities, and requests for therapists in specific geographic regions or with specific expertise through our listserve, our website, and in our newsletter. Whether you are seeking a new employment position, marketing a new psychotherapy practice, or building a clientele as an AAMFT-approved supervisor, CTAMFT helps our members.
We work on the issues that affect you.
- Whether we are fighting for MFTs to have equal status among mental health professionals as Medicare-covered providers or equal opportunities for employment in schools and government agencies, know that CTAMFT is working for you. CTAMFT has successfully lobbied for the many benefits that MFTs currently enjoy, including licensure in the state of Connecticut. We have worked hard for parity with other mental health professions, and CTAMFT continues to work hard to ensure that MFTs are recognized as a preferred mental health provider for individuals and families in Connecticut. As a member, you can help us lobby for equality for MFTs by joining our Advocacy Committee.
Vote! Or better yet, run for office!
- Have a voice in the direction of your professional association. Only CTAMFT members can vote in annual elections, and only members can run for office. You can decide what the priorities are for your professional association, so join CTAMFT and have a voice.
Join a Committee.
- Only CTAMFT members may join a Committee and have a voice in their professional organization. Whether you are interested in increasing the diversity of our profession and ensuring adequate diversity-training for professionals, or wish to educate the public about who MFTs are and what they do and build opportunities for MFTs throughout the state, we have a Committee for you!
- Currently CTAMFT has 2 main committees:
- Education Committee: This committee spearheads our CE events, conferences, and networking opportunities. Being part of this committee means you can help identify and coordinate new and exciting trainings for our members. Our Education Committee Chair, Briana Hansen, LMFT can be reached at
- Advocacy Committee: This committee works closely with our lobbyist to fight for MFTs here in CT. This committee watches legislation and seeks to improve opportunities for MFTs to provide services and protect our license locally in CT. This committee works towards spreading the word about upcoming calls to action and creating letter template to be send to representatives to advocate to MFTs. Our Advocacy Committee Chair, Jaime Rodriguez, LMFT can be reached at
Learn, learn learn.
- There are so many ways CTAMFT helps you stay informed. As a member of CTAMFT and AAMFT, you receive the Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, which keeps you up to date about the latest research and the direction of the profession. Members also receive our monthly E-News, which contains informative articles and keeps you apprised of local events and activities, news, and professional education opportunities. CTAMFT provides information for every step of MFT training from graduate school through CEUs.
Lots of extras.
- CTAMFT and AAMFT provide members with lots of extras: access to good liability insurance at discounted rates, business and marketing support, discounted rates at educational conferences, marketing materials, educational materials for clients, legislative training, and so much more. Members have full access to the CTAMFT website and expanded access to the AAMFT website. Plus, by joining your professional association, you are giving back to the community of MFTs and supporting the profession of Marriage and Family Therapy.