
The Arizona Interest Network of AAMFT publishes a quarterly newsletter that provides members with information about upcoming events and articles related to the practice of marriage and family therapy. For information about subscribing to the newsletter or publishing an advertisement or article in the newsletter, please contact us. You can also check out the helpful QR code links below for ease of interaction!

Current Issue

Fall 2024

Summer 2024

Archived Issues

Fall 2021

Summer 2021
Spring/Summer 2019
Winter 2019

Fall 2018
Spring-Summer 2018
Winter 2018

Fall 2017

Newsletter Guidelines & Format

The AzAMFT Newsletter is published according to the following guidelines and format: 

1)    Distribution: The newsletter is mailed out in February, June, September, and November.  
2)    Submission of Articles:  All articles must include a Credit Line (the name of the person responsible for its content which will be printed with the article).  All material aside from paid advertising will be subject to editing although submitted articles will be printed in full as received whenever possible.
3)    Submission Deadlines:  All material must reach the editor at least 21 days prior to the publication deadline. NOTE: Articles may be submitted in duplicate and type in final draft form on 8.5" X 11" white paper with back print or articles can be emailed as an attachment to the co-editors, Jessica Kamin or Chelsea Hyland, in Microsoft Word format. Please use an ordinary font, size, and spacing.
4)    Format: The newsletter contains: 
a.     Articles of general interest to the membership and other professionals 
b.     AzAMFT stand-up reports: Information sharing briefs from the Chairs of the Board's standing committees.
c.     Welcome and congratulations corner announces new members and changes of status, for example, from Associate to Clinical membership.
d.     AzAMFT calendar of official and sponsored events.  The calendar allows for the highlighting of AzAMFT presenters in events that are not official or sponsored events of AzAMFT.  All calendar events copy must be limited to the title of he event, name(s) of key presenters, date, time, locations, fees, and a contact phone number for further information.  This calendar is projected up to one year into the future and is updated each issue.  There is no charge for calendar event listings.
e.     Marketplace:  These pages are devoted to paid advertising of events, announcements, and professional service in any amount of detail the advertiser wishes.
f.      Bulletin Board:  This is a service for non-AzAMFT members or professional organizations to announce events at no cost.  Like the calendar, the copy must be limited to the title of the event, name(s) of key presenters, date, time, locations, fees, and a contact phone number for further information.  Like the calendar, no elaboration as to presenter details will be printed.  Contributors wishing to elaborate should consider paid advertising.
g.     Letters to the editor:  Same guidelines as for articles above.
h.     Perennial Resources:  Resources always available to members. 
5)    Paid Advertising:  Must be submitted in final draft form, and may not exceed a full page, 8.5" X 11.0", in size.  The advertising rate is $15.00 per column inch (1" high X 2" wide).  This rate will double when used for registration blanks as the back of the blank cannot be used for copy.  The maximum size display ad at the column inch rate would be a 3" X 3" ad.  Exact use of space may vary slightly from layout to layout and we will therefore bill you. 
6)    Discounts:  Full page: 10% ($567.00); Half page: 5% ($300.00); Quarter page: 2.5%: ($154.00)
NOTE:  A concentrated effort is made to keep the publishing protocol as given above, but some details may be subject to change; therefore, contributors should check this section regularly.  It will be published every issue.
Newsletter Subscriptions
The AzAMFT Newsletter is published by the Arizona Association for Marriage and Family Therapy four times a year and is distributed by first class mail.
