
​Join The Arizona Interest Network 

We invite you to become a part of the Arizona Interest Network of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy. the Arizona Interest Network's purpose is to promote and advance the common professional interests of Marriage and Family Therapists in the State of Arizona.

Click here and you will be taken to AAMFT's Engagement Programs page to learn more about interest networks.

  • Membership categories, benefits, and fees
  • Applying for membership
  • Reinstating and transferring your membership

Arizona Interest Network Member Benefits

  • Free online resources of peer reviewed journals
  • Access to legal consultants regarding ethical concerns
  • Free and competitive cost online CE’s
  • Staying connected with other MFTS -Opportunities for fellowships
  • Access to clinicians across the country!
  • And more! Listed below!

​​​We sincerely hope that you will consider becoming a member of this premier professional organization!
