About Us

What is the Arizona Interest Network of AAMFT?

The Arizona Interest Network is the Arizona Division of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT). We are the professional association for the field of marriage and family therapy in the state of Arizona.

We represent the professional interests of our members throughout the state of Arizona. Since our founding in 1973, the Arizona Interest Network has been promoting the field of marriage and family therapy as a viable alternative to other traditional methods of providing mental health services. This is accomplished through public relations campaigns, initiation and promotion of mental health-related legislation, and collaboration and cooperation with other mental health associations and managed care organizations. The Arizona Interest Network is currently actively involved in the promotion of legislation requiring licensure of marriage and family therapists and other mental health professions in Arizona. Actions such as these not only benefit our membership but also provide benefits to the consumers of marriage and family therapy in our state.

The Arizona Interest Network is a professional organization comprised of over 300 highly trained practitioners of mental health. Our members meet rigorous standards for education and training and are held to the highest ethical standards of the profession. Clinical Members have met the highest standards of the profession for education and clinical experience. Associate and Student membership categories are available for therapists in training for clinical practice. Members of allied professions and other persons who are interested in marriage and family therapy are eligible to become Affiliate Members.

Members of the Arizona Interest Network work in communities throughout Arizona. They are in private practice, employee assistance programs, hospitals, community mental health centers, social service agencies, managed care organizations, courts, academic positions, and religious organizations.


The Arizona Interest Network of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy provides the community with a relational, contextual and systemic understanding of human behavior. This approach transcends historical models which view individuals as separate from their context, like islands unto themselves. This philosophy respects and recognizes multiple perspectives of human identity and family structure. The work of Marriage and Family Therapists fills a gap that is not addressed by other disciplines.

Marriage and Family Therapists are committed to the highest standards of ethics, education, integrity and professional development. The Arizona Interest Network of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy promotes lifelong learning, innovative professional practices and research.
