

This online community is a place for family therapists in healthcare to meet one another, participate in discussions, and share resources.

The Family Therapists in Healthcare TIN is a network of individuals with the overall aim of promoting family systems-based healthcare. The network is meant for all who are interested and/or active in clinical, supervisory, teaching, policy, and research in family systems-based healthcare and/or Medical Family Therapy.

Whether you are a therapist, supervisor, teacher, researcher, or all four, this TIN exists to offer you support with all matters concerning family therapy in healthcare settings through the following offerings:

  • online trainings, newsletters, and in-person gatherings on specific topics related to family systems-based healthcare for clinicians, supervisors, educators, and researchers
  • a dedicated website to collaborate and share resources with the community of clinicians, researchers, educators, and supervisors working in healthcare
  • advocacy efforts to build knowledge, funding, and employment opportunities for family therapists in healthcare

We welcome you to consider this place as your professional home and network to support the growth of our field in healthcare.

Please consider becoming a member of the Family Therapists in Healthcare TIN as there are many benefits. In addition, we need you to help us represent the field and advocate for the furthering of family systems-based clinical, supervision, teaching, and research efforts in the world. Your membership is vital to our field!

For questions, comments, or inquiries regarding how to get more involved, please email us at healthcare@aamft.org.

Contact Us

Competencies for Family Therapists Working in Healthcare

As the healthcare industry expands its interest in incorporating behavioral providers into conventionally-biomedical settings, it has compelled major changes in workforce training across all behavioral health disciplines. Several such disciplines have responded to this by creating competencies that guide their members in developing the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary for delivering care.

Download AAMFT’s new, FREE, Competencies for Family Therapists Working in Healthcare Settings to acquaint yourself with the knowledge and skills to provide care.


How to Join

During your join or renewal process:
Select the program to add to your membership through the online application.

Apply or Renew

Mid-renewal cycle:

Select a program to add to your membership.

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Questions? Call AAMFT at 703-838-9808 or email central@aamft.org.

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