The following are benefits available to members of the Family Therapists in Healthcare Settings TIN.
Listserv: A listserv devoted to members of the FTHS TIN. Have a question about working in healthcare? Looking for others who are working with a specific patient population? Do you need help finding a resource? This listserv is the place to gain access to the community of others who are applying family systems to healthcare settings.
Webinars: Four webinars will be offered in 2024.
Website: Content to help members learn how to gain additional training on how to work with patients and families, find jobs in healthcare, and access to current clinical and research resources
Advocacy: Facilitating communication and support between our members and AAMFT in issues related to MFTs in healthcare
Leadership Opportunities
If you have interest in getting involved in any of the above, please send us a message ( and let us know! We are looking for help with content creation on our member forum, those interested in running for elected positions, presenters for webinars, and any ideas you might have to further the work of family therapists in healthcare!
Best Regards,
Ruth N. Faucette, Ph.D., LMFT, LCMFT
AAMFT Family Therapists in Healthcare Chair