Student Volunteers Needed!
We are looking for approximately 150 current AAMFT student members who are interested in networking with fellow student members, going "behind-the-scenes” to learn the aspects of running a successful conference, and meeting presenters and long-time members of AAMFT all while attending sessions and building on their knowledge as a future Marriage and Family Therapist.
In exchange for volunteering, the 4-day event registration fee will be at a discounted rate of $100. You will be responsible for all travel expenses, food and hotel accommodations. If you want to volunteer please keep in mind that you need to commit to being able to arrive in time for a training session on Sunday, November 3rd at 4:00pm and must stay through the end of the conference on Thursday.
Volunteer Duties Include:
Session Hosts
Session Ushers
Registration Desk
Keynote Production Assistants
Research Discussions