Continuing education given by AAMFT is accepted by most state licensing boards for marriage and family therapy and many other regulatory boards and organizations. Please check directly with the board or organization for continuing education requirements. Contact information for MFT state licensure and certification boards can be found here.
Obtaining your CE letter for the Fundamentals Course:
1. Log onto our CE certification site at using your credentials that you use to login to the AAMFT website.
2. Once logged on, click on the ‘Events’ tab at the top of the screen. This will display all AAMFT events.
3. To see all AAMFT events that you have registered for, click on ‘Registered’. Search for and select your course, and then select the ‘Certification’ tab.
4. Evaluate the course by clicking “Evaluate Session”. Once you have completed the evaluation, enter the code that was given to you by your instructor and click “Claim Credit”.
5. Acknowledge the statement at the bottom of the page, and select “Proceed and Generate Certificate”. From this screen, you can print, download, or email your CE letter.
For future reference, your CE letters will be conveniently located on the ‘My Certificates’ page, which can be found at the top of the CE Certification Manager site.
Obtaining your CE letter/Certificate for your Refresher Course:
Option A: 6 Hour Hybrid Course
Complete the course in Teneo, AAMFT's online learning platform, and follow instructions for obtaining your CE letter.
Option B: 6 Hour Virtual Interactive Course
Once the interactive session has ended, the instructor will provide you with a session code to use to retrieve your CE letter from:
Please contact with any issues obtaining your CE letter.