
Georgia Licensure Portability Bill Clears Senate Confirmation Vote, Moves on to Governor's Office


We received exciting news late last night as SB 373 passed its Georgia Senate confirmation vote! This significant milestone marks a testament to the swift and collaborative efforts of all involved.

With its passage through the Senate confirmation vote, SB 373 now heads to the Governor's desk for signature, marking the final step towards becoming law.

We remain hopeful for the Governor's support and signature, knowing that SB 373 will make a tangible difference in not only the MFT profession but, more importantly, make a difference in the lives of countless Georgians in need of mental health services

Your voice has been instrumental in shaping the future of the MFT profession and ensuring that all practitioners have the support they need to thrive. If you're interested in getting involved, please contact us through the Contact Us Form or consider joining our Family TEAM.

Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of SB 373!


