
Access MFTs Bill Progress Through Tennessee Senate and House


Exciting developments unfold in Tennessee as our efforts to enhance mental health care access continue to gain traction. SB 2399, after a successful Senate vote. With this milestone achieved, the bill is poised to crossover to the House for further consideration.

In parallel, HB 2296 follows a similar trajectory, having passed the House Health Committee unanimously. As it progresses, the bill will be scheduled for a full House vote soon. The unanimous support garnered in the Senate as well as the House Health Committee underscores the bipartisan commitment to prioritizing mental health and well-being in Tennessee.

Looking ahead, our focus shifts to the next stages of the legislative process. SB 2399's journey will continue as it crosses over to the House, while HB 2296 aims to secure passage in the House before moving to the Senate. With continued advocacy and support, we are optimistic about the prospects of both bills and their potential to impact mental health care accessibility in Tennessee positively.

Stay tuned for further updates on the progress of SB 2399 and HB 2296 as they navigate the legislative process. Together, we can continue to advocate for policies prioritizing mental health and ensuring that all Tennesseans have access to the care they need.


