
What We Do

The Working with Military Personnel and their Families Interest Network will provide a community to connect members with experienced mentors and supervisors who work with military personnel. The Network will develop standards for culturally competent providers, a database for community outreach opportunities, and participate in advocacy efforts that educate and inform military and government leadership of the positive impact MFTs and systems integration has with military personnel and their families. Benefits of this Network include:

  • Online community for networking and peer to peer consultation
  • eNewsletters focused on different sectors of the military
  • Trainings and guides on cultural competency
  • Informational resources to increase understanding of unique needs and approaches to working with military families

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How to Join

During your join or renewal process:
Select the program to add to your membership through the online application.

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Mid-renewal cycle:

Select a program to add to your membership.

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Questions? Call AAMFT at 703-838-9808 or email central@aamft.org.

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