Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Practice Award

Signup Deadline: 12-15-2023
Starts: 05-01-2024
Ends: 05-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Please click Apply Today! to apply for yourself or to nominate someone else.

This award is granted by AAMFT and honors members who make significant contributions in terms of access for marriage and family therapists within the healthcare delivery system, including third party payment and both private sector and insurance (including managed care) industries.

Process: This award may be self-nominated by an AAMFT member or nominated by another AAMFT member. Nominators must submit a detailed description of the person being considered, explaining why they should be honored. Description should be limited to 30 pages.

Letter of Recommendation: All self-nominations require a letter of recommendation to be submitted with materials.

Award: The award consists of:

  • An engraved plaque presented at our Annual Conference.
  • The conference registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient.

Announcements: Announcements of award winners will be distributed via the eNews and other platforms as they apply.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:



Lachey Horn