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Outstanding Contribution to Marriage and Family Therapy Award

Signup Deadline: 12-15-2023
Starts: 05-01-2024
Ends: 05-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Since 1991, AAMFT has honored up to three members each year for outstanding contributions to the field of marriage and family therapy.

Process: All nominations need to be made by a third party; self-nominations will not be accepted. Nominators do not need to be AAMFT members. Nominators must submit a curriculum vita of the person being nominated and a written statement in the form of a letter of ways that the nominee demonstrates outstanding contributions to the field. Nominees must have either:

A.     Made exceptional, outstanding, ongoing and cumulative contributions of an empirical or theoretical nature to the field; or,

B.     Made significant contributions to the field of marriage and family therapy as reflected in their meeting at least three of the following five criteria. Nominators must submit a curriculum vitae of the person being nominated and a written statement of ways that the nominee meets the criteria:

1.       Major plenary on the clinical practice of marriage and family therapy and related issues such as supervision at national/international conferences sponsored by a major professional mental health association;

     2.      A distinguished record of publications/scholarly contributions in professional journals, both paper or web based, on topics related to marriage and family therapy;

     3.      Editorship of a major professional marriage and family therapy journal, newspaper or magazine;

     4.      Experience as a director of a nationally or internationally recognized marriage and family therapy training program that has had impact on the field; and

     5.      A recognized leader in promoting the field of marriage and family therapy within the United States and Canada or internationally.

In addition to the Awards Committee soliciting nominations from the general membership, the Board of Directors may be collectively and individually involved in nominating qualified candidates.

Award: The award consists of:

·         An engraved plaque presented at our Annual Conference.

·         Reimbursement of up to $1,000 per recipient for travel to the Annual Conference*.

·         The conference registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient(s).

*AAMFT will reimburse up to the total of $1,000 for economy class airfare, transportation to/from airport/hotel, meals per AAMFT allowances for the one day of the ceremony, and one night's hotel stay at one of the AAMFT conference hotels (at the special discounted rate) for the night of the ceremony. You must submit itemized receipts upon your return from the conference.

Announcements: Announcements of award winners will be distributed via the eNews and other platforms as they apply.

Volunteers Needed:

3 (3 open slots)

Experience Required:



Lachey Horn