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Diversity Scholarship for Emerging Leaders

Signup Deadline: 12-15-2023
Starts: 05-01-2024
Ends: 05-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Please click Apply Today! to apply for yourself or to nominate someone else.


The Foundation for the Advancement of Human Systems awards scholarships to minority students. Eligible individuals include United States citizens and permanent visa residents, including, but not limited to, those who identify as Black/African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Asian American, Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Latino/a, or Spanish origin, LGBT, bi/multilingual, or an individual with one or more disability. The scholarship is open to the following membership categories: Pre-Clinical Fellows, Student, and Clinical Fellows who have been members for less than five (5) years. COAMFTE students or graduates from a COAMFTE program are preferred, but it is not a requirement. The purpose is to support the recruitment, training, and retention of minorities in the field of marriage and family therapy.


This award may be self-nominated by an AAMFT member or nominated by another AAMFT member. Nominators must submit:

  • A current resume.
  • A letter from the Director of the graduate training program or institute affirming the nominee’s academic status and including an assessment of the nominee’s commitment to the field of marriage and family therapy, as well as a statement of the nominee’s potential as a marriage and family therapist.
  • Two letters of reference (these are in addition to the letter from the Director).
  •  A detailed personal statement including how the nominee’s diverse background has had an impact on them and their career decision.
  • One official transcript.

Letter of Recommendation

All self-nominations require a letter of recommendation to be submitted with materials.



The award consists of:

  • A cash award up to $3,000 per recipient.
  • An engraved plaque presented at an AAMFT event (virtual or in person).
  •  Reimbursement of up to $1,000 per recipient for travel to the AAMFT event (if applicable).
  • The event  registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient(s) (if applicable).

*The AAMFT Foundation will reimburse up to the total of $1,000 for economy class airfare, transportation to/from airport/hotel, meals per AAMFT allowances for the one day of the ceremony, and one night's hotel stay at one of the AAMFT event hotels (at the special discounted rate) for the night of the ceremony. You must submit itemized receipts upon your return from the event. Alcohol will not be reimbursed.


Announcements of award winners will be distributed via the eNews and other platforms as they apply.

Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:



Lachey Horn