Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Training Award

Signup Deadline: 12-15-2023
Starts: 05-01-2024
Ends: 05-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Please click Apply Today! to apply for yourself or to nominate someone else.

This award is granted by AAMFT and honors members and/or training programs for significant contributions to the advancement of the field of marriage and family therapy by encouraging and training the next generation of marriage and family therapy researchers and/or practitioners.

Process: This award may be self-nominated by an AAMFT member or nominated by another AAMFT member. Nominators must submit a written statement (500 words max) with a detailed description of member/training program being considered.

Letter of Recommendation: All self-nominations require a letter of recommendation to be submitted with materials.

Award: The award consists of:

  • An engraved plaque presented at our Annual Conference.
  • The conference registration fee will also be waived for the award recipient.

Announcements: Announcements of award winners will be distributed via the eNews and other platforms as they apply.

Volunteers Needed:

1 (1 open slot)

Experience Required:



Lachey Horn