Volunteer Opportunity Details

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Graduate Student Research Award

Signup Deadline: 12-15-2023
Starts: 05-01-2024
Ends: 05-01-2024
Location: Online Opportunity


Please click Apply Today! to apply for yourself or to nominate someone else.


The Foundation for the Advancement of Human Systems confers up to two cash awards annually to assist graduate students in the completion of their thesis or dissertation pertaining to couples and family therapy or family therapy training.


This award may be self-nominated by an AAMFT member or nominated by another AAMFT member. Nominator must submit the nominee’s proposal and a written statement (500 words max) of why the proposal should be selected. Selection criteria for the award include:

  1. Significance of the topic for family therapy.
  2. Quality of the conceptualization and design.
  3. Feasibility.
  4. Availability of support to complete the topic.

In the case of equally meritorious applications, consideration will be given to applicants who have demonstrated active participation in an AAMFT activity. Examples, in addition to AAMFT membership, may include such activities as volunteering at an AAMFT event, being a presenter at an AAMFT event, or a poster presentation.

Letter of Recommendation

All self-nominations require a letter of recommendation to be submitted with materials.

Volunteers Needed:

2 (2 open slots)

Experience Required:



Lachey Horn