Fundamentals of Supervision Virtual Course: July 17-20, 2024

When:  Jul 17, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 06:30 PM (ET)

This 30-hour intensive program is designed to fulfill the complete course requirement for the AAMFT Approved Supervisor designation and satisfies the supervisory training requirements for many state laws. By the end of the course, participants will be able to articulate a beginning philosophy of supervision paper that reflects their preferred personal model of supervision, their choices of supervisory modalities, as well as their preferred supervisory roles. This interactive course includes a variety of exercises and group discussions and prepares participants to supervise in a variety of therapy settings including private practice, agencies, and academia. Also, the philosophy of supervision paper must be satisfactorily completed within 1 month after the last session of the course in order to receive a certificate of completion. Please visit for more course information and requirements.


Required textbook sold separately:

Lee, R. E., & Nelson, T. S. (2021). The Contemporary Relational Supervisor 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Routledge 

Information on joining your interactive session will be sent one week prior to, and on the day of the first session, as a reminder.