Fundamentals of Supervision: July 29 - September 2, 2024

When:  Jul 29, 2024 from 02:00 PM to 05:00 PM (ET)

AAMFT Approved Supervisors ensure a learning environment that is supportive and nurturing while providing therapists and trainees access to the latest innovations in the field. The educational requirement for the AAMFT Approved Supervisor Designation entails completion of a fundamentals of supervision course.  Professional Members and Clinical Fellow Designees, interested in the Approved Superior Designation must complete this Fundamentals of Supervision course in the earlier stage of their training period to ensure that they are learning the supervision literature and practices in a synergistic manner with the practice of supervision. This course is comprised of a 15-credit didactic portion and a 15-credit interactive portion, totaling 30 credits to be received after completion of the course. A philosophy of supervision paper must be completed within 1 month of the last day of the course. Please visit for more course information and requirements.

Required textbook sold separately:

Lee, R. E., & Nelson, T. S. (2021). The Contemporary Relational Supervisor 2nd Edition. New York, NY: Routledge 

Information on joining your interactive session will be sent one week prior to, and on the day of the first session, as a reminder.