Andrew Christensen, Distinguished Research Professor of Psychology at UCLA, developed Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy (IBCT) along with the late Neil Jacobson. IBCT has been adopted throughout the U. S. Veteran’s Administration and been adapted into an online program, , with both in-person and online versions demonstrating efficacy for couples. Christensen has given workshops on IBCT throughout the world. His work has been cited in the Washington Post, New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, and other news outlets.
Brian Doss, Ph.D.

Dr. Brian D. Doss is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Miami. His research is focused on ways to increase the reach of couple interventions, with a special focus on technology. As Director of a 15-year project funded by NIH and the Administration for Children and Families, he has provided online services (via smartphones) to more than 5,000 distressed low-income and military couples nationwide. Dr. Doss has over 100 professional publications and is a co-author of two books: a self-help book for distressed couples (Reconcilable Differences) and a couple therapy manual (Integrative Behavioral Couple Therapy: A Therapists Guide to Creating Acceptance and Change). Dr. Doss’ research has been featured on The Today Show, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Miami Herald, and elsewhere.